Restorative Yoga
Tools for Active Relaxation

  • Accessible

    Restorative Yoga brings accessibility to poses through bolsters, blankets, blocks, and other supportive props. A fully supported body encourages a softness in muscles and a calming effect on the mind. Through safety and a felt sense of ease, you can connect to your spirit.

    Ackerly, R., Badre, G., and Olausson, H. (2015) “Positive Effects of a weighted blanket on insomnia.” Journal of Sleep and Medicine Disorders, 2(3) 1022.

  • Nourishing

    This calming practice relieves held tension in the body, and encourages flow of breath, lymph, blood, and spinal fluid which can reduce inflammation.

    Porges,S. (2011) The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, and Self Regulation

  • Embodiment

    Following the movement of breath in each Restorative Pose brings an awareness of the true power of active relaxation. Studies show that active relaxation practices are more restful than sleep where dreaming or restless movement can disturb the mind.

    Understanding Restorative Yoga